Environmental Forensics

Environmental forensic investigations at Anchor QEA are used to support conceptual site model development, remedial investigations, residuals investigations, groundwater investigations, sheen and vapor intrusion monitoring data interpretation, and liability and cost allocation. We work with a wide range of contaminants—MGP residuals, petroleum hydrocarbons, PCBs, dioxins/furans, metals, PFAS, and chlorinated solvents in sediment, soil, groundwater, and air. Our investigations combine state-of-the-art chemical and isotope fingerprinting techniques with supporting analysis of site history and operations, geology, and contaminant fate and transport to differentiate and delineate contaminant sources and impacts. Our analyses are supported by advanced data analysis tools such as automated ratio selection models, contaminant mixture weathering models, mixing models, and our rapid turnaround forensic analysis software FAST (Forensic Analysis and Sourcing Toolkit).

Get in Touch

For inquiries about Anchor QEA’s Environmental Science capabilities, please contact:

Daniel Opdyke, PhD, PE, ENV SP
Environmental Sciences Practice Lead
dopdyke@anchorqea.com |