Civil Engineering civil engineering CIVIL ENGINEERING Our civil engineers have experience in development and redevelopment of waterfront infrastructure and specialize in developing projects from planning and concept design through detailed design, permitting, and construction. Our civil engineering experience includes design of utility systems; stormwater collection, detention, and treatment facilities; pipelines, dams, reservoirs, and other hydraulic structures; low-impact development (LID) facilities; and […]
Coastal Engineering coastal engineering COASTAL ENGINEERING Anchor QEA has extensive experience evaluating and modeling the nearshore marine environment, developing and implementing shoreline and coastal protection projects, evaluating sea level rise effect on coastal resiliency, designing and constructing coastal restoration projects and providing support to waterfront and port development projects. Shoreline stabilization projects are highly interdisciplinary and often require a diverse team […] Planning and Restoration planning-and-restoration planning and restoration PLANNING AND RESTORATION
Community and Stakeholder Engagement community and stakeholder engagement COMMUNITY AND STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Effective communication with stakeholders, property owners, community groups, agencies, and the public is often a significant component of Anchor QEA projects. Our experienced staff understand the importance of building and maintaining trust to develop creative solutions to complex issues. We have a proven track record of successful collaboration and productive working relationships with diverse stakeholders […] Planning and Restoration planning-and-restoration planning and restoration PLANNING AND RESTORATION
Construction Management construction management CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Anchor QEA’s construction management team works on a variety of redevelopment, restoration and remediation projects, including sediment dredging and capping, new utility and waterfront structure installation, facility demolition, marine outfalls, landfill cleanups, waterfront park creation, and habitat restoration. This range of project construction experience helps ensure constructible designs and reduces the potential for cost overruns […] Planning and Restoration planning-and-restoration planning and restoration PLANNING AND RESTORATION
Data Solutions, Management, Visualization, and Analytics data solutions, management, visualization, and analytics DATA SOLUTIONS, MANAGEMENT, VISUALIZATION, AND ANALYTICS Project success relies on quality data that are efficiently managed and effectively communicated. Environmental data management, systems development, geospatial analysis, and visualization are core services at Anchor QEA. Our expertise resides in a coordinated team of chemistry, field services, database management, and GIS staff. Our experience gives us insight into the issues that affect data […] Environmental Science environmental-science environmental science ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Planning and Restoration planning-and-restoration planning and restoration PLANNING AND RESTORATION
Decommissioning, Decontamination, and Demolition decommissioning, decontamination, and demolition DECOMMISSIONING, DECONTAMINATION, AND DEMOLITION Anchor QEA provides strategic consulting services to industrial, utility, and commercial clients with obsolete, out-of-service, or underused buildings and structures (assets). Our Decommissioning, Decontamination, and Demolition (D3) Services Team works with clients to develop site-specific decommissioning processes that mitigate potential risks and provide best value solutions through maximizing asset reuse and minimizing disposal costs. We […] Environmental Science environmental-science environmental science ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Planning and Restoration planning-and-restoration planning and restoration PLANNING AND RESTORATION
Due Diligence and Integrated Planning due diligence and integrated planning DUE DILIGENCE AND INTEGRATED PLANNING Anchor QEA provides a full range of due diligence and integrated planning support for clients evaluating cleanup and redevelopment projects. We are able to mobilize due diligence teams quickly in any region of the country we serve. Our due diligence teams include national experts who provide overall strategic direction and scientists, planners, and engineers from […] Environmental Science environmental-science environmental science ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Planning and Restoration planning-and-restoration planning and restoration PLANNING AND RESTORATION
Environmental Forensics environmental forensics ENVIRONMENTAL FORENSICS Environmental forensic investigations at Anchor QEA are used to support conceptual site model development, remedial investigations, residuals investigations, groundwater, sheen and vapor intrusion monitoring data interpretation, and liability and cost allocation. We work with a wide range of contaminants: MGP residuals, petroleum hydrocarbons, PCBs, dioxins/furans, metals, PFAS and chlorinated solvents in sediment, soil, groundwater, and […] Environmental Science environmental-science environmental science ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE