River Watershed Restoration river watershed restoration RIVER WATERSHED RESTORATION Anchor QEA assisted with grant applications for a river watershed restoration project that focused on stabilizing failing streambanks, enhancing riparian vegetation and habitat, and placing into conservation 50-foot-wide riparian buffer along an entire river. We performed a stream assessment and used the data to develop a design acceptable to the property owners and regulatory agencies. […] East Coast east-coast east coast EAST COAST Construction Management construction-management construction management CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Habitat Restoration habitat-restoration habitat restoration HABITAT RESTORATION Permitting and Regulatory Compliance permitting-and-regulatory-compliance permitting and regulatory compliance PERMITTING AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE
Olympic Sculpture Park Design and Permitting olympic sculpture park design and permitting OLYMPIC SCULPTURE PARK DESIGN AND PERMITTING Anchor QEA led the environmental permitting and shoreline restoration design at a former industrial site turned nationally acclaimed public park featuring outdoor sculpture exhibits. Researchers monitored the habitat features extensively and deemed them effective for juvenile salmon. The publicly accessible beach receives 500,000 visitors a year and has been recognized with 18 awards, including a […] State/Local state-local state/local STATE/LOCAL Washington washington washington WASHINGTON Habitat Restoration habitat-restoration habitat restoration HABITAT RESTORATION Landscape Architecture landscape-architecture landscape architecture LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Mitigation Planning mitigation-planning mitigation planning MITIGATION PLANNING Permitting and Regulatory Compliance permitting-and-regulatory-compliance permitting and regulatory compliance PERMITTING AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE
Methow River Restoration Design methow river restoration design METHOW RIVER RESTORATION DESIGN As part of a river restoration design, Anchor QEA assisted with improving habitat for Endangered Species Act-listed fish species in the river. We conducted an alternative assessment for six subreaches within a reach of the river and assisted with salmon habitat enhancement. West Coast west-coast west coast WEST COAST Endangered Species Act endangered-species-act endangered species act ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT Habitat Restoration habitat-restoration habitat restoration HABITAT RESTORATION Hydrodynamic Modeling hydrodynamic-modeling hydrodynamic modeling HYDRODYNAMIC MODELING Water Resources water-resources water resources WATER RESOURCES
Sediment Transport Study sediment transport study SEDIMENT TRANSPORT STUDY In support of a remedial investigation/feasibility study, Anchor QEA conducted a modeling study that evaluated sediment transport processes in a salt-wedge estuary contaminated with various chemicals, including PCBs. Our study focused on bed stability in the estuary during high-flow events and the natural attenuation rate of surface-layer sediment throughout multi-year periods. The study provided important […] Industrial industrial industrial INDUSTRIAL West Coast west-coast west coast WEST COAST Environmental Modeling environmental-modeling environmental modeling ENVIRONMENTAL MODELING Hydrodynamic Modeling hydrodynamic-modeling hydrodynamic modeling HYDRODYNAMIC MODELING
Habitat Development and Storm Recovery habitat development and storm recovery HABITAT DEVELOPMENT AND STORM RECOVERY We analyzed modeling of intertidal circulation, impacts to circulation and inlet stability, and stability of a dike in the hydrodynamic bay-wide flow regime. We then developed the designbuild contract packages. The project included development of 4,000 acres of intertidal marsh, bird nesting, oyster, and multi-use habitats Gulf Coast gulf-coast gulf coast GULF COAST Coastal Engineering coastal-engineering coastal engineering COASTAL ENGINEERING Habitat Restoration habitat-restoration habitat restoration HABITAT RESTORATION
Harbor Site Investigation harbor site investigation HARBOR SITE INVESTIGATION Anchor QEA assisted with site investigation, feasibility assessments, remedial design, and construction management for a large sediment remediation project. We led project strategy, site investigation planning, remedial alternatives evaluation, and liability cost estimating. The project had significant in-water remediation components for which we reviewed remedial alternative options such as dredging, engineered capping, enhanced natural recovery, […] Ports/Harbors ports-harbors ports/harbors PORTS/HARBORS West Coast west-coast west coast WEST COAST Data Solutions data-solutions data solutions DATA SOLUTIONS Site Strategy and Process site-strategy-and-process site strategy and process SITE STRATEGY AND PROCESS Visualization/Communication visualization-communication visualization/communication VISUALIZATION/COMMUNICATION
Stream Mitigation Bank Assessment stream mitigation bank assessment STREAM MITIGATION BANK ASSESSMENT Anchor QEA supported restoration design for a stream and wetland mitigation banking project. The design was used to apply for and receive the mitigation banking instrument and water quality permits. We conducted a mitigation bank assessment of the project reach, prepared the contract documents used for contractor selection, and led construction oversight. We coordinated the […] Anderson Farms anderson-farms anderson farms ANDERSON FARMS Construction Management construction-management construction management CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Habitat Restoration habitat-restoration habitat restoration HABITAT RESTORATION Permitting and Regulatory Compliance permitting-and-regulatory-compliance permitting and regulatory compliance PERMITTING AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE
Maintenance Dredging and Construction Management maintenance dredging and construction management MAINTENANCE DREDGING AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Anchor QEA managed engineering design, environmental review, and the permit process for maintenance dredging and construction management at a confined aquatic disposal facility. We completed numerous coastal engineering evaluations and provided plans and specifications for soliciting construction bids. Throughout the construction process, we led construction oversight and annual monitoring. Ports/Harbors ports-harbors ports/harbors PORTS/HARBORS West Coast west-coast west coast WEST COAST Construction Management construction-management construction management CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Habitat Restoration habitat-restoration habitat restoration HABITAT RESTORATION Hydrodynamic Modeling hydrodynamic-modeling hydrodynamic modeling HYDRODYNAMIC MODELING Public/Agency/Tribal Facilitation public-agency-and-tribal-facilitation public/agency/tribal facilitation PUBLIC/AGENCY/TRIBAL FACILITATION Water Resources water-resources water resources WATER RESOURCES
RI/FS and Maintenance Dredging ri/fs and maintenance dredging RI/FS AND MAINTENANCE DREDGING Anchor QEA served as the technical lead and project manager for a remedial investigation/feasibility study and maintenance dredging of the channel segment of a bay. We studied the channel and existing shoreline structures, offered dredging and disposal recommendations, and prepared environmental documents, such as a preliminary design for sediment remediation and maintenance dredging and bid […] Civil Engineering civil-engineering civil engineering CIVIL ENGINEERING Construction Management construction-management construction management CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Sediment Management sediment-management sediment management SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT Ports/Harbors ports-harbors ports/harbors PORTS/HARBORS West Coast west-coast west coast WEST COAST
Gulf Coast Beneficial Use Marsh Extension gulf coast beneficial use marsh extension GULF COAST BENEFICIAL USE MARSH EXTENSION Anchor QEA was the designer of record at a beneficial use marsh site that sustained hurricane damage. As part of the restoration and expansion project, we rebuilt sections of the existing site and living shoreline systems, expanded the site to encompass additional habitat along the north shoreline, provided permitting assistance, and coordinated construction. We also […] Natural Resources natual-resources natural resources NATURAL RESOURCES Gulf Coast gulf-coast gulf coast GULF COAST
On-call Contract and Sea Level Rise on-call contract and sea level rise ON-CALL CONTRACT AND SEA LEVEL RISE We participated in the development of a comprehensive sea level rise report for a seawall rehabilitation project, managed all aspects of a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regional General Permit 54 project, assisted in design and permitting of a public waterfront park and sailing center, and served as the technical lead and project manager for a channel sediment cleanup. Federal federal federal FEDERAL West Coast west-coast west coast WEST COAST Coastal Engineering coastal-engineering coastal engineering COASTAL ENGINEERING Permitting and Regulatory Compliance permitting-and-regulatory-compliance permitting and regulatory compliance PERMITTING AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE
NPDES and Stormwater Work npdes and stormwater work NPDES AND STORMWATER WORK Anchor QEA supports a waterfront cement facility that is facing a variety of regulatory obligations including an individual Stormwater National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit, Washington State Department of Ecology Cleanup Program, and EPA Superfund Program. Industrial industrial industrial INDUSTRIAL West Coast west-coast west coast WEST COAST Civil Engineering civil-engineering civil engineering CIVIL ENGINEERING Permitting and Regulatory Compliance permitting-and-regulatory-compliance permitting and regulatory compliance PERMITTING AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE Stormwater Management stormwater-management stormwater management STORMWATER MANAGEMENT
Percival Landing Major Rehabilitation percival landing major rehabilitation PERCIVAL LANDING MAJOR REHABILITATION The City of Olympia sought to re-energize its downtown waterfront with a closely integrated set of waterfront improvements at Percival Landing Federal federal federal FEDERAL Olympia, Washington olympia-washington olympia, washington OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON Landscape Architecture landscape-architecture landscape architecture LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE
Marina Planning and Regulatory Services marina planning and regulatory services MARINA PLANNING AND REGULATORY SERVICES We participated in overall strategic planning and provided environmental review support. We also conducted geotechnical investigations, developed programs for upgrading/constructing seawalls, developed concept marina plans and dredge plans, and provided cost estimates for proposed marina and seawall improvement concepts. Federal federal federal FEDERAL California california california CALIFORNIA Civil Engineering civil-engineering civil engineering CIVIL ENGINEERING Construction Management construction-management construction management CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Permitting and Regulatory Compliance permitting-and-regulatory-compliance permitting and regulatory compliance PERMITTING AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE
Sediment Remediation West Coast Shipyard sediment remediation west coast shipyard SEDIMENT REMEDIATION WEST COAST SHIPYARD Anchor QEA supported pre-construction activities and the contractor selection process for a sediment remediation project at two active and adjacent shipyards. Construction Management construction-management construction management CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Sediment Management sediment-management sediment management SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT Shipyards shipyards shipyards SHIPYARDS West Coast west-coast west coast WEST COAST
Lower Big Quilcene River Restoration lower big quilcene river restoration LOWER BIG QUILCENE RIVER RESTORATION The lower Big Quilcene River system was constrained by ecological stressors, including levees, which limit floodplain connection and prevent natural channel migration, and also limit large wood recruitment and sediment deposition. Natural Resources natual-resources natural resources NATURAL RESOURCES Quilcene, Washington quilcene-washington quilcene, washington QUILCENE, WASHINGTON Environmental Modeling environmental-modeling environmental modeling ENVIRONMENTAL MODELING Habitat Restoration habitat-restoration habitat restoration HABITAT RESTORATION
Reed Creek Greenway Phase III reed creek greenway phase iii REED CREEK GREENWAY PHASE III Our work provided universal accessibility along the length of the greenway and detention and treatment of stormwater runoff through the use of constructed wetlands. Federal federal federal FEDERAL Asheville, North Carolina asheville-north-carolina asheville, north carolina ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Landscape Architecture landscape-architecture landscape architecture LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Stormwater Management stormwater-management stormwater management STORMWATER MANAGEMENT
Twelvemile Creek Restoration twelvemile creek restoration TWELVEMILE CREEK RESTORATION As part of a settlement agreement with the Natural Resources Trustees in 2006, Schlumberger Technology Corporation agreed to restore a 2-mile reach of Twelvemile Creek, by removing and disposing of the impounded sediment containing low levels of PCBs, removing two historic dams, and restoring the creek channel. Natural Resources natual-resources natural resources NATURAL RESOURCES Pickens, South Carolina pickens-south-carolina pickens, south carolina PICKENS, SOUTH CAROLINA Construction Management construction-management construction management CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Data Solutions data-solutions data solutions DATA SOLUTIONS Habitat Restoration habitat-restoration habitat restoration HABITAT RESTORATION Hydrodynamic Modeling hydrodynamic-modeling hydrodynamic modeling HYDRODYNAMIC MODELING Visualization/Communication visualization-communication visualization/communication VISUALIZATION/COMMUNICATION
Rock Bay Remediation rock bay remediation ROCK BAY REMEDIATION Rock Bay is located on the east side of the Upper Harbour, Victoria, British Columbia. Historical activities in the vicinity, including a coal gasification plant and infilling, resulted in environmental impacts to soil, groundwater, and sediment. Federal federal federal FEDERAL Victoria, British Columbia, Canada victoria-british-columbia-canada victoria, british columbia, canada VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA Construction Management construction-management construction management CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Geotechnical Engineering geotechnical-engineering geotechnical engineering GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Sediment Management sediment-management sediment management SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT Water Quality water-quality water quality WATER QUALITY