Chemical Manufacturing (Plastics)

Managing Aquatic Contaminants from Upland Sources

Anchor QEA provides a unique perspective and ability to effectively manage aquatic-based projects that are associated with upland contaminant source areas. Our ability to apply technical methods used to determine contaminant-related impacts such as the conceptual exposure pathway model (which generally includes groundwater transport to surface water) is utilized for most sites. Anchor QEA’s depth of experience comes from years of characterizing the fate and transport of chemicals in a wide range of industrial settings, including projects ranging from former manufactured gas plants (MGPs) and wood product manufacturing to microelectronics, petroleum refining, and other industries.

Our scientists and engineers have also been involved with several urban brownfield redevelopment projects. For these assignments, we developed soil and groundwater management plans that provide the protocol for risk-based cleanup and redevelopment.

Get in Touch

Amanda Shellenberger PhotoFor inquiries about Anchor QEA’s Industrial capabilities, please contact:

Amanda Shellenberger, Principal Engineer
Industrial Market Sector Lead |