Offering a Full Range of CCR Services

Anchor QEA personnel have worked extensively with CCR, including arsenic associated with CCR, for more than 35 years. Since the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s CCR Rule was published in the Federal Register in 2015, Anchor QEA has performed CCR Rule-related investigations for more than 20 plants. This work included monitoring well installation and groundwater monitoring, alternative source demonstrations, assessments of corrective measures and feasibility studies, implementation of monitored natural attenuation, laboratory treatability studies, peer reviews on other consultants’ work, and cost estimates for corrective measures to enable utility company management to determine financial risk.

We have provided expertise on waste disposal, impoundment closure, groundwater monitoring, and corrective action under the RCRA, CERCLA, and state regulations. Our staff have sited new CCR facilities, designed liner systems, completed dike stability analyses, installed slurry cutoff walls to prevent contaminant migration from exiting impoundments, installed monitoring well networks, and evaluated potential groundwater flow paths in complex karst terrain.

Anchor QEA’s CCR services include the following:

  • Planning and permitting: risk assessment, regulatory strategies, closure, and post-closure
  • Engineering: civil and geotechnical engineering and environmental remediation
  • Environmental: characterization of soil, groundwater, surface water, and sediment; natural resources assessment and impact mitigation; groundwater fate and transport modeling; remediation of soil, groundwater, and sediment; forensics; and litigation support
  • Existing facilities: landfill restrictions (subsistence, karst, faulting, seismic, and slope stability), stormwater management, and hazard assessment
  • New landfills: siting and permitting, foundation investigations, landfill design, liner design and quality control (QC), construction management and QC, and construction QC
  • Facility closure: alternatives evaluation, written closure plans, waste stabilization options, dewatering, dredging and wet sediment handling, impervious cover (cap) options and design, closure and construction management, habitat reconstruction, and post-closure care
  • CCR groundwater monitoring: network design and instrumentation, monitoring well installation and development, sampling and analysis, statistical analysis, data-based network optimization (number of wells, frequency of sampling, and analysis), and data management and reporting
  • Corrective action: CCR Rule, RCRA, CERCLA, and state regulations; contamination assessment in soil, groundwater, sediments, and surface waterbodies; risk assessment; monitored natural attenuation; geochemical manipulation; permeable reactive barriers; barrier walls; pump and treat systems; hydraulic control; bioremediation; and subaqueous reactive caps

Get in Touch

Gretchen TaylorFor inquiries about Anchor QEA’s Energy capabilities, please contact:

Gretchen Taylor, Principal Planner
Energy Market Sector Lead |